Highly Commended, GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2020 (Birds Category)

Overall Winner, Wildscreen Back from the Brink competition 2019

Commended, Garden and Urban Birds category, Bird Photographer of the Year 2019

Commended, Birds in Flight category, Bird Photographer of the Year 2018

Commended, Birds in the Environment category, Bird Photographer of the Year 2018

Commended, Birds in the Environment category, Bird Photographer of the Year 2018

Winner, Urban Life Category, ZSL Photography Competition 2016

Highly Commended, Bird Photographer of the Year 2016

Highly Commended, BWPA 2015

Highlight - Asferico Photocontest 2014
Finalist - Golden Turtle Competition 2013

Runner-Up - RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2013

Runner-Up Portfolio Category - RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2013

Finalist - Golden Turtle Competition 2013

Commended - Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2012

Winner Portfolio Category - RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2012

Highly Commended - RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2012

Highly Commended - RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2012

Highly Commended - Birdwatching Magazine Bird Photo of the Year 2012

Highly Commended - British Wildlife Photography Awards 2012

Runner-Up - Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Photography Competition 2012

Highly Commended - British Wildlife Photography Awards 2011

Highly Commended - RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2010